An Archmage sits on a wingchair. They are engaged in conversation with a Mirror of Devil Advocacy.
A "Hit Points suuuuuuuuck".
M "No they don't, they are a perfectly fine way of tracking health."
A "It makes no sense for a wizard that has reached the middle of their career to be able to receive a battleaxe to the chest and walk out the door."
M "It's because they are don't get hit points. You are not supposed to consider them life points but rather a resource that runs out before you can no longer fight."
A "Bullshit, if that is the case why are we basing it on Constitution, it should be dependent on Dexterity."
M "PCs
are asumed to be trying to defend themselves with something most of the
time not just trying to dodge like it's a life or death game of
dodgeball. Maybe it represents how many blows they can parry or block
before they can't help but to receive a fatal wound. Besides, Dexterity is already taken
into account under Armor Class."
A "So are parries and blocks."
M "Maybe it's just that several systems were intertwined to create a cohesive illusion of physicality."
A "But
it clearly doens't work, as soon as you take it ouside of the expected exchange of blows it all falls apart. Fall damage and poison are two
systems that struggle with HP, for example. This means that we have two
systems working off of the same stats, constantly oversteping over the
other, that fail to cover most things related to their conceptual
A "Besides, if they are not Life Points, why would you then drop unconscious once you go to 0 HP? Characters that are dropped suddenly go from being a plus to the party to being a minus. There is no drama or interesting choice, you either rush and it them with some magical adrenaline or they are going to bite it."
M "Combat is already complex enough and it takes a long time as it is."
A"Only because of HP bloat. It's way more interesting to offer the players the option to gamble with their remaining health if they can still act."
M "What would you suggest then?"
A"I think that the Fudge system found a very elegant solution with how it treats wounds."
M "Certainly as a substitute of life-like HP, but what happens to AC now? Is it just a number to beat in order to have a chance at lowering the enemies defenses? How do we measure how and when a thief with high dex, a knight with high armor class and a completely beefed up, high off his shit on mushrooms barbarian manage to stay on the fight?"
A "Different defense stats?"
M "That would be so class dependent that it would blow off the verosimilitud your little crusade against HP wants to maintain."
A "Fine, no Wound system as HP...for now."
M "What are you going to do with your current GLOG hack then?"
A "I'm thinking of implementing a Grit stat equal to DEX/2 + STR/2 which advances as the regular GLOG HP stat and a
Guts stat equal to CON that is used to check when you fall unconcious. You still die when you get to negative 10 but you can take actions until you go under negative CON.
Once you go to 0 Grit taking any action costs 1 point of Guts. You are as
hard to hit as 10 + DEX if wearing no armor or (armor bonus) + DEX/2."
M "Isn't that too much math for someone who praises the GLOG for its simplicity?"
A "It's only done during character creation, after that it's just +1 every level. Plus, a good character sheet desing can do wonders to simplify math."
M "So unless you are magically cured once you go bellow 0 Grit you can never dodge a blow?"
A "Once HP(Grit) is no longer conceptually intersecting with Life Points you can have a Fighting Man recover Grit without it feeling as a Power Up. You are actually catching your breath and re-asesing the situation instead of blatantly healing. This gives players a reason to be pick them over the wizard, instead of just nerfing casters until they are so limited by mishaps, dooms and random sums that a fighter is a viable option. I want the fighters to be as cool as wizards, not have everyone be equaly boring. It also brings back concepts like the battle master and the tactician, which are cool as hell."
M "They really are."
M "What about Fall Damage and Poisons?"
A "They automatically roll on the Guts table."
M "Are you really happy with this answer?"
A "Not entirely, but there is no point in taking this any further. Its probably functional and it should stop bothering me as much as HP does. You can go now."
An Archmage sits on a wingchair. They are looking at an empty mirror, still stiring a cold cup of coffee.
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