Thursday, July 9, 2020

While the coffee brews...

I'll probably leave this test post up and while I'm at it I'll list the blogs, games and authors that led me to open another heartbreaker RPG blog. These are in no particual order.

Arnold K's influential Goblin Punch. Because it showed me that letting your imagination go to wierder places was what I needed to find the fun in running games again.

Justin Alexander's even more influential The Alexandrian. Because even in the smalest or blandest of products you could find a way to twist the good ideas into something inspiring.

Arnold K's GLOG system and its countless iterations over the web. I will be sure to also butcher it in the next few pages, just like they intended.

The Critical Role cast and project, for re-kindling my love of roleplaying.

Matthew Colville. For both his contibution to the comunity with his Running the Game series and to literature with the Ratcatchers series. I have never felt so empty and sad after reading a book as I did after finishing Priest. I thank you for it.

The obvious but necesary mention to D&D. Bless your bland and outdated soul. Whatever grudges I still hold towards you for making me believe you were a neutral standard all other games deviate from, they are lessened by how impressive it is to me that you manage to still live in undeath, atop a throne kept by virtue of being the first-born. We now plunder the relics lost in your dungeons and ruins to raise our own towers and cities.

The king is dead, long live the mages.

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